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Birmingham Rep in Centenary Square, Birmingham
ABTT Logo. Logo is yellow and blue on a black background.

Association of British Theatre Technicians Awards - Go Team Rep!

We would like to say a huge Team Rep congratulations to our Technical Manager, Adrian Bradley, for his brilliant win at the ABTT (Association of British Theatre Technicians) Show Awards.

Adrian won The Technician of The Year Award, which is one of the most important accolades the Association bestows, as it recognises the achievement of an individual at the heart of their career but who consistently delivers technical excellence.

The criteria of the award is as below:

  1. They will have been pursuing full-employment in a backstage or production management career for a minimum of 10 years.
  2. They will have predominantly worked in the presentation of live performance in places of entertainment: i.e. on theatre, dance or opera productions in theatres and opera houses or on theatrical experiences in non-conventional spaces.
  3. They will have achieved a mastery of their chosen discipline(s) or craft(s).
  4. They will be an expert practitioner.
  5. They will have consistently delivered at a level of excellence throughout their career.
  6. They will have sought to promote best practice and technical excellence while delivering world class performance.


A big Rep thank you and well done to Adrian for all his game-changing work.

Image shows Adrian Bradley holding his certificate. He is smiling at the camera.
Scan of Adrian Bradley’s award for Technician of The Year. The certificate has the ABTT logo at the top with the text underneath that reads ‘The Association of British Theatre Technicians presents ADRIAN BRADLEY in recognition of consistently achieving technical excellence while seeking to promote best practice and contributing to the presentation of world class performance with THE ABTT TECHNICIAN OF THE YEAR AWARD on the 7th June 2023. Mig Burgess, ABTT Co-Chair & David Evans, ABTT Co-Chair.

We would also like to congratulate Jennifer Taillefer for winning the ABTT Award for Environmental Sustainability. Jennifer has worked with The Rep on multiple occasions, including most recently working as the production manager for our Rep Original production Of Mice and Men, as well as leading our Carbon Literacy Training sessions for Rep staff.

This award acknowledges a significant contribution by an individual to furthering environmental sustainability within the theatre industry.

Award Specification:

  1. Over the past 12 months they will have made a significant contribution to furthering environmental sustainability within the theatre industry.
  2. Their contribution may be towards the creation of sustainable live performance productions; the sustainable development or management of a performance venue; or the sustainable operation of a theatrical company or organisation.
  3. In addition to the direct improvements the individual’s contribution has achieved their success will have provided case studies, examples of good practice and/or resources available for the use of others.
  4. The individual may have made their contribution at a level appropriate to the stage of their career.

Congratulations to Jennifer on your well deserved win!

Image shows Jennifer Taillefer holding her award outside near a picnic table. She is smiling at the camera.
Scan of Jennifer Taillefer’s award for Environmental Sustainability. The certificate has the ABTT logo at the top with the text underneath that reads ‘The Association of British Theatre Technicians presents JENNIFER TAILLEFER in recognition of their significant contribution to furthering environmental sustainability within the theatre industry, with the ABTT AWARD FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY on the 7th June 2023. Mig Burgess, ABTT Co-Chair & David Evans, ABTT Co-Chair.