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Birmingham Rep in Centenary Square, Birmingham

The Project

Paving the way for another 50 years. The Open House project will transform our building and help to secure The Rep’s future.

As we celebrate 50 years of our iconic home in Centenary Square and look ahead to the next 50, the Open House project will increase our resilience and help to secure The Rep’s future.

Open House will transform the outside and public areas of our building, creating a much more welcoming and accessible entrance and foyer. It will better connect and open us up to the fabulously redeveloped square and add a dedicated and central ‘front-door’ for the first time!

By reimagining and creating welcoming new spaces, with enhanced café, bar and restaurant facilities, we’ll be able to generate vital additional revenue. All increased income will directly support activities such as…

  • producing world premieres
  • delivering our extensive creative learning programme
  • engaging with local communities
  • providing a platform for the theatre makers of the future.

Alongside the Commonwealth Games in 2022 and the dramatic transformation of the city centre, Open House will allow us to make the most of a truly unique moment for the City of Birmingham and provide the best possible start for another half century on the Square!

Open House FAQS

Open House will unlock the door to new audiences and income streams, allowing us to move towards a more sustainable and resilient future. – Rachael Thomas, Executive Director.

Please click on the Image Gallery to see exciting visualisations of the new spaces prepared by leading designers at the interior architecture and design studio, Macaulay Sinclair.

With thanks to our major partners and funders for their support of our Open House project. 

We are extremely grateful to the individuals and organisations that have so far made a commitment and contribution and helped to secure the future of The Rep.

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