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Birmingham Rep in Centenary Square, Birmingham

The White Card: Content Guidance


Recommended age 14+ 

The White Card is the UK and European premiere of Claudia Rankine’s first published play, written in 2017 during an increasingly racially divided America and before the murder of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests rippled across the globe. It poses the question: can society progress when whiteness remains invisible?

In the play, a wealthy, privileged white couple invite a talented Black artist to dinner. Tensions run high and a heated debate uncovers some uncomfortable truths that can’t be ignored about white privilege, cultural appropriation and representation. The White Card invites us to all to play our part in the debate.

This show contains some sensitive content including topics that cover racism, racial injustice, violence, brutality and murder, plus some strong language.

If you would like to read more about any of these specific topics please see below for details.

Racial language
Themes of racism and racial injustice run throughout the play. Derogatory descriptions of Black women are repeated.

Violence, death and brutality
There are several references to violence and brutality against African Americans, the constant fear of brutality and graphic descriptions of injuries. There are descriptions of the deaths of Michael Stewart, Emmett Till, Michael Brown and of the Charleston mass shooting. The script refers to the murders of Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Eric Garner and has several mentions of lynching and dead bodies. The death of a Black man (James Byrd Jr.) in 1998, a victim of lynching, is graphically detailed by Charles.

Anti-Semitic behaviour
There is a reference to the Nazis. There is also a reference to the Holocaust and photographs taken of the liberated camps in a discussion between Charles and Charlotte.

Strong Language
Very strong language is used sporadically throughout the play.

Aggressive behaviour
There is one occasion where Charles  displays aggressive behaviour towards Charlotte.

If you would like further information or clarification please email  with The White Card Content Guidance as the subject of your